Monday, February 15, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!

It was a day full of love over here!

I recently got a crepe pan thingy (an early bday present from my dad!) and decided I wanted to make some dessert crepes for Valentine's Day. I recently had a very tasty crepe in the Atlanta airport, so surely I can do this, right?!

I read a few tips and tricks about making crepes, watched a few you-tube videos, and figured I would be good to go. My dad's advice: be prepared to ruin the first couple that you do. Nah, I got this.

Or, maybe he was right....

There must be an art to this. So our artist neighbor friend tried. His looked as good as mine.

Patrick was taking notes watching us fail and now it was his turn. He must have been a professional crepe maker in another life.

He made a very nice round crepe, folded it in half, added some strawberries, bananas, and Nutella, then wrapped it up. It was very tasty!

In other news, Hillsborough has a gourmet chocolate shop. I always go in there to buy gifts, but I've never had such special chocolate all to myself. Check out the beautiful chocolate my valentine gave to me! (Sorry, I already ate one).

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