Friday, November 23, 2007

21 Weeks

Happy Thanksgiving! We had a very nice dinner for Thanksgiving with Mr. Brian and Mrs. Jayne - turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffed mirlitons, homemade bread, corn grits, and cranberries - it was delicious! Patrick and I got up at 4am to brine the turkey - we are serious about our turkey - but it was worth it. It came out very flavorful and moist. The stuffed mirlitons took me about 3 hours to make - it might be awhile before I make those again - and I had to trade Patrick 2 foot rubs to get 1 foot rub from him. I think he took advantage of a poor pregnant woman - I was willing to take whatever deal he offerred if he rubbed my feet. So now whenever he wants to cash in, I apparently have to rub his feet twice. And you may know how much I love feet.

Patrick and his dad have been hard at work this week. They replaced my broken garbage disposal, ran a cable line for internet to the room upstairs that will become our office, a phone line to the TV for updates on our satellite system, they've replaced a lot of the siding on our house that needed to be changed, and they built a railing for the stairs in the front of the house. For those of you that have visited, our front steps are on a slope and are a little precarious. There were concerns that a large pregnant woman who can't see her feet, prone to being a klutz when she can see her feet, might fall down the stairs without a railing. It came out really nice. See the pictures below. Nellie has been hard at work this week too, of course.

Pregnancy wise, things are going well. My belly is getting bigger - my belly button is starting to disappear! I looked down the other night and it looked smaller. I had Patrick look at it because I thought something was wrong. He laughed and said that it was stretching out and and I was starting to see the back of my belly button as it came foward - Yikes!
The baby should be about 10.5 inches long and should weigh about 3/4 of a pound. His eyebrows and eyelids should be fully developed now. I'm starting to feel him move around a little bit. The doctor said my placenta is positioned in a way that might take me a little longer to feel a lot of movement. But I'm still feeling great!

Replacing the siding

Nellie is helping too!

Working on the railing

Finished railing!


Aunt Donna said...

The work done on your house looks good. I like stairs - especially with railings as reassurance. Guess I'm a bit of a klutz, too. It's also a good idea for when your little boy starts toddling around. We're looking forward to seeing you soon!

Auntie Trish said...

Jessica and Patrick,
Can't believe I've been missing out on all the fun!! I kept waiting for another email since the first was sent.....and just found out I'm supposed to be checking this thing to keep updated. I am so excited about ya'll being parents. Sounds like ya'll are learning all kinds of good stuff. Keep reading those parenting books. They might come in handy!!!! Can't wait to see you. Love ya.

Haynes said...

Nice job on the railing. I like the design.

Anonymous said...

Brining the turkey? I think all Aunt Donna did was bake ours but it was good too! And I think the technical term for what you're doing is called "nesting". And it sounds like you're doing it great.

MOM said...

The railing looks great!! Now I'll feel better going up and down the steps when I'm there instead of always feeling off balance and like I'm going to fall over. And I can even see my feet and want to fall over so it will definately come in handy in a few months for you. Can't wait to see you Saturday.

Debb-Kevv said...

The work on the house looks great, especially the railing. Knowing how off balance I was when I was pregnant ( I fell at least twice and once right into a doctor's lap at work) the railing will definitely come in handy. Starting to feel the baby move is so exciting! We will see you soon.
Love you.