Friday, October 19, 2007

Visit with the doctor ... what Patrick heard.

We had a pleasant visit with the doctor the other day. She is nice and doesn't mind explaining things to me in non-scientific jargon. We heard the heart beat again .... very exciting. This time it was a very distinct sound between 130 and 150 beats per minute. Woosh...woosh...woosh.

At the end of the visit the doc asked if we had any questions (I had been waiting patiently for this). I, of course, had a question. Just what, exactly, is Jessica not supposed to be doing physically? Jessica has been avoiding all physical activity. The doc immediately looked at Jessica who darted her eyes away. The doc said that pregnant women could do anything that wasn't painful. She said that she knew of women who ran marathons while pregnant! She also said that there are many old-wives tales about not doing heavy lifting or physical activity while pregnant. The secret was out!

Our wonderful doc confirmed for us that Jessica is in fact not disabled in a any way. No, she won't and I don't expect her to start running marathons, but it is nice to know that she can safely go on a walk every once in a while (like about 3 times a week as the doctor has suggested).



Haynes said...

Jessica should get a second opinion on that. I think she shouldn't do anything she doesn't want to do.

Anonymous said...


T-Rez said...

Sounds like you need a pilates class or two. Don't listen to your