Friday, October 12, 2007

15 weeks

Alright, people, where are those comments? I know you're reading this...that means you need to leave a comment!!!
Anyway, we're now at week 15. The baby should be about 4 inches long now and probably weights about 2.5 oz. It is beginning to inhale and exhale amniotic fluid which helps the air sacs in the lungs to develop. The legs are growing, and should be longer than the arms now. (Good to know that things are becoming more proportional.) It is beginning to move its joints and limbs - hopefully it won't be too long before I start feeling it move! Its eyelids are fused shut but the baby can still sense light. Meanwhile, its tastebuds are starting to develop.
I'm still feeling good. Not many cravings or anything, although I love having a piece of chocolate with a cup of milk midway through the day. I can tell my emotions are on a roller coaster. Patrick was aggravating me the other night and I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry, so I was doing a little of both.
I go to the doctor again next week, and hopefully we will schedule the ultrasound where we find out if its a boy or a girl! That will probably be scheduled for November sometime.
We did the test last night where you loop your ring through a piece of string and hold it over the open palm of your hand. If the ring goes back and forth, its a boy. If it makes a circle, its a girl. Then it stops and starts moving again for the next child. It supposed to tell you how many kids you will have and what the sex of each will be. I stopped after the 4th because I was worried that it was going to tell me I was going to have 10 kids. But the order was boy, boy, girl, boy. Those Harrells sure do like to make boys! So, we'll see in a few weeks if the test was correct! I have 2 friends that had babies in the last couple of weeks and both are girls. A friend is due in December and she's also having a girl. And I know two more girls having babies in February and both are having girls. And one in March is having a girl. I don't know of any others having boys yet. I think odds are working in favor of a boy here.


Erin said...

You aren't doing the odds like when we discussed the lottery in the lab, are you?

Aunt Donna said...

Does the emotional roller coaster explain the demand for comments? Just kidding - I actually remember going from laughter to tears and back again in 0.3 seconds when I was pregnant.
I'm glad you're feeling so good and I think 4 children is an excellent family plan. Although I'd consider 5 if you could have 2 girls.

MOM said...

I'm so used to girls, I wouldn't know what to do with a little boy baby. I'm pulling for the girl!!

Aunt Rez said...

How about using fruits and/or veggies to describe "HIM."
4 inches long....a zucchini or cucumber.
And if the taste buds are developing maybe more
greens and a little less chocolate!!
I'm always working it huh?!

Kim Murray said...

Hi Patrick and Jessica! We're so excited for you and your uhh "jumbo shrimp"! I laughed when I read that analogy. I'm pulling for a boy shrimp. There seems to be a big boom of girls all around!
Kim & Jacob

Unknown said...

I finally remebered to log in at home and post a comment which I can't do at work. I love this blog! I'm disappointed when I log on and there's no new message but I guess you guys have to work!! I laughed when I read your comment about sleeping the afternoon away with Nellie...not because you didn't feel well but because you should take advantage of those naps now because you'll won't be able to do that again until...well, you won't be able to do that again. They call from college with some mundane problem just when you doze off so enjoy it now! I can't wait to find out if it's a boy or girl but I don't care which. You can always try the other gender with baby #2 or 3 or...
And raging hormones...remember it well. Looking forward to more news.

Momma said...

Boys are nice,too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just eager to know so I can get busy sewing!! Momma

Haynes said...

Glad you are feeling as well as you are. I enjoyed spending last weekend with you guys. Looking forward to the next update.