Thursday, September 20, 2007

Week 12

We had our first doctor's visit this week. It went really well. All of my bloodwork looked normal and the baby's heartbeat sounded good. The doctor did a physical exam, which Patrick thought was a little invasive. I laughed because it wasn't anything unusual and he will certainly have to get used to it. The doctor is really nice, I liked her a lot. I'm doing my prenatal care at the UNC Student Health Center, so she is a member of the UNC OB/GYN group, one of the best OB groups in the country. She is one of fifteen doctors that share call, so it is highly unlikely that she would actually deliver the baby, unfortunately. But either way, I know I will be in good hands. I'm still feeling really good, although my clothes are getting a little tighter.
The baby should be about 2 inches now and probably weighs about a half an ounce. The eyes and ears are just about finished moving to their correct positions. The kidneys have begun to secrete urine into its bladder, and neurological pathways in the brain are beginning to form.



Minna said...

Can you tell that Jessica's been preparing to give a class on reproductive development? Know-it-all.
Love the belly, though.

Haynes said...

Was the baby wearing a sailor's cap?

You will do great giving a class on reproductive development. You can use yourself as a demonstration while you talk. It will save you the bother of lugging an overhead projector around.