Tuesday, March 7, 2017

District Pinewood Derby

Peyton recently placed 3rd in the speed category at our Pack Pinewood Derby.  This is serious business, where the placement of the wheels and axels and weights can make the difference of 0.001 seconds, which separated Peyton from first place. It was our Pack's turn to host the District Pinewood Derby where the top 3 racers in speed from all of the packs in our area compete against each other.   Patrick, as the cubmaster of our Pack, served as the emcee for the event.  He did a great job, but I won't lie, he was stressed out and sweating the entire time. 

There were some technical issues with communication between the track and the computer system and there were lots of errors and, hence, delays.  This picture kind of captures the essence of the morning.  Poor Mr. Dominik was stressed out too.  

But in the end it was a good event.  Peyton didn't place among the top in the district, but he had fun just being able to be there and participate.  

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