Sunday, May 6, 2012

Peyton's First Goal

Those of you who keep up with us Harrells know that Peyton is playing soccer this Spring.  This is his first time playing, and he still has a lot to learn about playing soccer.  He and his daddy have been practicing in our backyard but I think he gets intimidated on the field during a game with all of the other kids. He's not real aggressive in going after the ball.  Some of the other kids have
 obviously played before and are a lot more agile and score a lot more.  Peyton usually makes it halfway through the game before he starts losing interest, in part due to his lack of attention span, and the other due to his frustration when he hasn't scored a goal.  We just kept encouraging him to go after the ball and run fast.  So yesterday morning he was out on the field for a game.  One of the more dominant players was sitting out so I knew if he was going to have any chance of kicking the ball, much less scoring, this would be it.  The opportunity arose for him to kick it in the goal and sure enough he did!  Luckily, Patrick had the video camera rolling, so you can kind of see it here.  Use your imagination and jump up and down with the camera so you can get the full effect.  While you can clearly hear me cheering for Peyton, I think Patrick was a little excited too and had a little trouble keeping the camera still.


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