Monday, November 1, 2010


We had a fantastic Halloween weekend! Friday night, we went to a nearby community that has a big pumpkin festival - all of the workers carve pumpkins and then put them on display. It was really very cool.

It put me in the mood to carve a pumpkin, but there really wasn't any time....maybe next year.
Peyton had a great time listening to the live music and running around to touch all of the pumpkins. I even caught him blowing out the candles inside of one. I think another kid showed him how to do that.

Then Saturday night Patrick and I got dressed up and went to party! He was an artist and I was his painting. Peyton helped him paint my shirt.

Trick-or-treating in our subdivision is usually pretty quiet, so some friends invited us over to their house in a neighborhood full of kids. It was worth the 45 minute drive! There were tons of kids running around in costumes. Lots of Buzz Light Years, Princesses, Harry Potters, etc.

Peyton was the only pilot, and he had a blast. He got the hang of the trick-or-treating thing pretty quickly. He would run up to the door and yell "Trick-or-Treat!", but more in the tone of "Gimme some candy!" At one point, he turned to me and said, "No, Mom, you stay here (at the end of the driveway). I go by myself." Alrighty then. He's 2 and he's already embarrassed by me. I was hoping I had another few years before that would happen!

After he was completely exhausted from trick-or-treating, we let him pick out a piece of candy to sit down and eat. He chose the M&Ms. And then thankfully he had no idea that the rest of the candy completely disappeared right to Daddy's office. (I had to sneak a few pieces for myself too, of course!)

I think by next year, he'll be a little wiser, and we won't be able to get away with that.

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