Sunday, May 6, 2012

Two Months

It's already been a few weeks since Elliana turned two months, but I felt the need to post the picture here and document it anyway.  Pretty soon, I'll post her 3 month picture.  At her two month appointment, she weighed in at 12lbs 3oz, 23" long, and her head was 39.5cm.  She is in the 75th percentile for everything.  Yay!

I'd say she's doing pretty well, except for the fact that she only poops once every few days.  She seems to be pretty miserable by day 2 or 3, but there really seems like there isn't much I can do about it.  I've tried giving her prune juice and an abdominal massage but I haven't seen any improvement.  During the nights when she has pooped, she tends to sleep a little better.  But if it's been more than a day, we're up soothing her several times a night, not including her feedings.  I just keep telling myself that she will outgrow this and it will get better. Meanwhile, I'm tired.

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