Monday, March 12, 2012

The House

Awhile back, I promised pictures of the new house. And then Elliana arrived and I never got around to posting them. So, here they are!

We live on a cul-de-sac with a nice big garage now. (I think I will forever need to live on a cul-de-sac in a house with a nice big garage now). Peyton LOVES to ride his bike in the cul-de-sac. There are two boys that live next door and he gets so excited when they come out and play. They've been very nice to tolerate him, since they're a little older, at 7 and 9 years old.

As you walk in the front door, to the right is our dining room.

You can walk from there into our huge kitchen! I will never be able to live without all of this counter and cabinet space! Oh, and a refrigerator/freezer with an ice maker, as well as an ice and water dispenser. I've never had those before and they're wonderful!

On the other side of the kitchen is an eat-in area, but we've made that into a play space for Peyton. It usually takes him no time to make a huge mess. Just like his mother :)

And that connects to the living room, which you can also get to from the front door by walking straight ahead. We even have a gas fireplace now, which means we can actually enjoy a fire without smoking up our whole house.

And we have a HUGE fenced in back yard, which has also been a big hit with Peyton and Nellie (again, I'm getting spoiled here!)

I don't think I ever posted pictures of Elliana's room once we finally finished it. I"m really happy with how it came out. I guess I kind of have a butterfly/garden theme going on.

I had drawn this picture in art class my freshman year in high school, so I had it re-matted and framed to match the colors in Elliana's room.

And this was a Pinterest inspired art project that I worked on for her room.

We have a nice big guest room too, which is great for visitors, so come visit soon!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the house pictures. It looks really great! And so organized and together even with 2 kids...good job to mom and dad. I love the picture from high school. I saved some of Jesse's drawings but they're bizarre and weird and would only scare small children. Hopefully Claire has something. And I really like pinterest too but can't imagine actually doing any of the stuff. I do love to look at all of it and I'm excellent at repinning! Happy one month to Elliana.
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