Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Uncle Matt and Aunt Abby Got Married!!

Peyton was in charge of the rings again, this time for Uncle Matt and Aunt Abby.

It was a beautiful wedding at Michabelle's Inn in Hammond, and Peyton certainly left his mark.
I'll let you see the video for yourself.

At least he walked up the aisle.

Always thinking about how to keep him entertained, we bought a couple of disposable cameras to keep him occupied. It took him all of about 10 minutes to shoot an entire roll of film. Most of them came out like this:
I think there is an abstract artist in there screaming to get out.

But a couple of them came out pretty good. Here's a picture of the paparazzi:


Aunt Sandy said...

Hey cool! Tanna and I made the blog! Actually we were taking a picture of him, taking a picture of us!

Erin said...

Hilarious!! Love him to bits.

Unknown said...

He did a great job! He was focused and getting all the attention just like the movie star he is. Loved the final throw at the end of his walk!