Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sunday Gone Awry

I admit, I had ambitious Sunday plans. I wanted to get the laundry finished and folded, I wanted to start packing for our trip to NOLA later this week, and I wanted to make a casserole for our neighbor who is finally home after a long stint in the hospital. All of this on a day when Patrick has to work all day. Not to mention that Peyton seems to be teething again, which always puts him in such a peachy mood.

Initially, I felt like I was handling it just fine. A little motrin here, a little orajal there, lots of episodes of Word World and the Micky Mouse Clubhouse, and somehow I was managing to survive. I was making two pans of King Ranch Chicken Casserole, one for the neighbor and one for us. I usually try to make a few things on Sunday to help us get through dinner during the week. Based on my calculations, I figured that a pan of this casserole could easily get us two nights of dinner this week. I managed to cook and cut up the chicken, chop the bell peppers and onions, and make the sauce while Peyton was taking his nap. Then I realized that I had forgotten to buy cheese for the casserole, a rather essential ingredient. A trip to the grocery store and back, with a side trip to Rita's Italian Ice for a gelati, was pretty uneventful once Peyton woke up from his nap. I even remembered to go green and brought my own bag with me. While I assembled the casseroles side by side, I put Peyton in his high chair to color. I obviously wasn't paying very close attention to him because the next thing I knew, his high chair tray was covered in marker, his face had splotches all over it, pieces of his hair were green, his clothes had marker all over them, and when I shrieked when I saw him, he stuck his tongue out at me to show me exactly what else he'd been coloring besides the paper.

Just after I took this snapshot, I cleaned Peyton up, took him out of the high chair, and signed his name to the picture he had just colored to bring next door to our neighbor, Emily. While I had my back turned for a brief minute to sign his name, I heard something crash to the floor accompanied by a small whimper from Peyton. And this is what I saw.....

Yep, a casserole all over the floor. I'm pretty sure I was fighting back tears.

I had already promised dinner to the neighbors so Peyton and I brought the only intact casserole left over to their house. I was tempted to ask if we could stay for dinner.


Patrick said...

I would have scooped it back into the pan and put it in the oven. But that's just me.

Aunt Donna said...

Remind me not to eat dishes offered by you, Patrick ;)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Patrick. The top part that wasn't on the floor could probably have been saved! You do have a cleaning person now, right? Peyton looks great artistically colored and it was brilliant of you to remember to take pictures of everything. I would have just been crying. And the neighbors were, I'm sure, very appreciative so excellent job!

Heather said...


Debb-Kevv said...

I don't know about eating it off the floor but if Patrick didn't mind well....Whatever possessed you to give Peyton markers instead of crayons???? I also think Aunt Dede was right, I would have been crying and not thinking about capturing it on film...good job!

MOM said...

Girls don't do that kind of stuff (ha, ha).