Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Learning How to Walk

Over the last few weeks, Peyton has been working on his walking skills. He's gone from resembling someone that's had a little too much fun on Bourbon Street, beginning to walk but deciding it might be easier to crawl, to someone that just had a few too many at the neighborhood bar, and can manage to stand for considerably longer periods of time.

This first video was taken last Tuesday. Of course his ever faithful friend Nellie is by his side. By the end, he decides that he's more interested in playing peek-a-boo. And, yes, I know his shirt is too small. But changing him again after I had him dressed would have been way more effort than it was worth.

In the next video, taken a week later, you can see how much he's improved. He's pretty much into everything now. I guess he'll start climbing on everything next. Oh boy!

Poor baby needs a haircut. He's starting to look a little scruffy. But I'm not quite sure how to get a vibrant, curious 10 month old to sit long enough to cut his hair because I'm sure that he'll want to eat the scissors.


Debb-Kevv said...

He has definitely improved and what a world of trouble he can now get into! Unfortunately this means more work on you and Patrick keeping up with him and limiting the troubles, but what fun and what oppurtunities. He does not need a haircut yet, let it grow a little bit longer, he doesn't look scruffy. Can't wait to see his next video, because before you know it he will be running!
Aunt Debbie

Anonymous said...

I wish I had these kind of videos. I think our first video camera was when Jesse was about 2 so we missed cute baby things although I have tons of pictures. Move the stuff out of the way because here he comes! He looks very interested in the stuff which has just appeared in front of him at his new eye level. And I love that Nellie and he are such buds! Hair cuts are not fun. No video for that either but I have lots of crying, squirming pictures...probably easier to leave it alone until he's old enough to drive himself to the barbershop.
Aunt DeDe

Erin said...

It feels like just yesterday you were pregnant with him! I love the videos....he is amazing.

Aunt Donna said...

I love these videos! He is getter cuter and cuter - and I didn't think that was possible. We all refused to let Mom cut David's hair till he was 2 but that was the 70's. Keep the blogs coming - it fun to hear about Peyton and get to "see" him so often.
Aunt Donna

janet said...

jess, how do you know so much about drunkards' staggard??!? he is such a cutie. thanks for sharing

Aunt Sandy said...

First of all, let's just let me get this off of my chest. Don't you dare cut that baby's hair! Whew, now I feel better! He is adorable just the way he is!

He's walking like a pro (okay, a drunk pro, but)... next is running! Oh joy!

Love to you all!
Aunt Sandy