Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Peyton's First Snow

Monday evening we went to bed with the promise of snow the next morning. Sure enough, the neighborhood was blanketed in white when we woke up. It snowed throughout the day - Patrick estimates that we got about 4 or 5 inches. We bundled the family up in layers upon layers of clothing and set out to take a walk. Nellie kept running up to each of our neighbors' porches hoping someone would let her in from the cold. She was not interested nor amused by the white stuff. She was just darn cold and wanted to go inside. Peyton didn't have much use for it either. We sat him down in the snow, betting that he would take off crawling, examine the snow, try to eat it, something noteworthy. Instead, he just sat there, apparently too cold to want to do much of anything. We took the hint and brought him inside, but not before we snapped a few pictures. After all, you only experience your first snow once.

More snow pictures and other January events are here.


Anonymous said...

He looks happy but maybe he was too bundled to move. The pictures are pretty and peaceful looking. And I love that Nellie had her coat on but still didn't want to be a part of the snow thing. And she sure looks happy to be cleaning up the high chair. Stay safe.
Aunt Dede

Debb-Kevv said...

You all definitely looked cold. BRRRR! What fun though to have snow and be able to capture Peyton's first snow experience. Great pictures.
Love, Aunt Debbie

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica!

Like them shoes ya got on. Betcha I can tell where ya got them.

Luv PaPA

Anonymous said...

this is a first for me