Sunday, November 16, 2008


A couple of weeks ago, my once good-natured, happy baby turned into this whiny, grouchy baby with quite a short fuse. And then the culprits behind the transformation of my child's personality appeared: two little whitish structures in his mouth popped up. It was a relief to see that there was a perfectly good explanation to his behavior and I stopped considering the possiblity of shipping him off to his grandparents until he was old enough to reason with, say like age 5 or so.

I don't have any pictures yet. Every time I try to pull his lip down to get a good shot, he sticks his tongue out, so now I have a bunch of pictures of his tongue. I'll save them until he's older and I'll show them to his girlfriend.

Wait, he keeps banging on the keyboard. I think he has something he wants to say:
2 3WS11SAazaaaaaqq

I think that means that he is denying all charges against him in this post.


Aunt Donna said...

Congrats on passing through that dark tunnel of toothing - of course you know it's only the first of many! I'm proud of Peyton for his blogging skills - keep those denials coming, big guy.
I also have pictures of Greg for his girlfriends. Do you think that's why they all keep running away? Guess it's time for me to pack them up for his kids or I may never get grandkids to show them to.
Aunt Donna

Unknown said...

Teething and drooling and whining...what a wonderful life! And I don't think he's denying the allegations, I think he's saying that since he has teeth now why can't he have his Halloween candy?

We want to see the tongue pictures and Aunt Donna may be future wives if we keep breaking out the stupid baby pictures.
Aunt DeDe

Debb-Kevv said...

Teething,Yea! Next will come the biting stage. Hopefully Peyton won't be a biter. I do hope you realize that children are never of the age to reason with. Keep those pics handy though because you can definitely use them later.
Love, Aunt Debbie